At George Ellis Property Services we pride ourselves on our level of service to landlords and tenants alike. However occasionally things do go wrong and you may need to complain. The aim of this process is to resolve issues or concerns as quickly as possible although in the majority of cases we hope that such matters can be resolved informally.
We cannot investigate a formal complaint unless the complainant is prepared to present their complaint in writing. Please provide a clear and precise explanation of what your complaint is about, for example; our service (stipulate department), an individual of our company, the property, the landlord the tenant, the tradesman, or something else. Advise us which communication medium you wish to use (post or email), we will use that method of communication to keep you informed.
Step – 1
Send a written complaint to our office with the words FORMAL COMPLAINT we will acknowledge your letter within 3 working days from receipt. The complaint will be responded to and you will receive a written response within 10 working days.
Step – 2
If you are not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint then you can write further to our Chief Executive Officer and you will receive a written response within 15 working days. This will be our Final Viewpoint Letter.
Step – 3
If you still remain dissatisfied then the next step will be to contact The Property Ombudsman, of which we are a member. Their details are as follows;
The Property Ombudsman
Milford House
43-55 Milford Street
Telephone: 01722 333306
The Property Ombudsman will not consider your complaint until our internal complaints procedure is exhausted.
George Ellis Property Services aim is to resolve all matters quickly as possible. However, inevitably some issues will be more complex and therefore may require longer to be fully investigated. Consequently timescales given for handling and responding to complaints are indicative. If a matter requires more detailed investigation, you will receive an interim response describing what is being done to deal with the matter and when a full reply can be expected and from whom.